– Why is Media Matters tax exempt when they’re so overtly and directly political regarding issues before Congress?

– ABC’s Christiane Amanpour knows a little bit about occupation and revolution. But what does she know about Occupy Wall Street, versus the tea party?

– Plus, is the media reporting the real story behind the “occupy” movement? Mother Jones isn’t known as the most objective outlet for news, after all.

– Yahoo includes Bill Clinton in its lists of “successful stars.” Of course Bush didn’t make the list.

– It does seem somewhat curious that, hand-in-hand with the Occupy movement, comes the return of Van Jones. Both just in time for Obama’s re-election effort. Imagine that!

More on some of the forces behind it here at Big Government.

– Pardon us if it was a slow news weekend, as with the mainstream media, we were a bit occupied. Evidently, so was the media – they didn’t seem to even have time to highlight Civil Rights hero, Rep. John Lewis being rebuked by the Occupy Atlanta crowd.

Change! The more there is, the more things tend to look the same when we look at big media today.