In a world with around 200 countries, we get this from the breathlessly excited ABC News anchor:


Writing at Malkin’s spot, Doug Powers makes the excellent observation that this was likely a Freudian slip:

ABC’s Diane Sawyer, who is ensconced in the 1% of America that the “Occupy Wall Street” occupiers are complaining about, is nevertheless fairly excited about the rapid spread of the protests. …

Sawyer seems a little too desperate to give the “movement” galactic legitimacy. Did she mean to say “a thousand cities” around the world? That still seems like a terribly high estimate[.]

It’s okay — Sawyer was just as fair-minded back when she reported on the Tea Parties. What? Nevermind. Okay, sure, but the Tea Party had that coming for refusing to let John Lewis speak at a rally. Wait, that wasn’t a Tea Party — Now I’m really confused.

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