Matthew Boyle at Daily Caller:

National Public Radio host Lisa Simeone appears to be breaking the taxpayer-subsidized network’s ethics rules by acting as a spokeswoman for Occupy D.C. group “October 2011,” which is currently “occupying” Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C.

Lisa Simeone

Simeone hosts NPR’s nationally syndicated “World of Operaprogram and “SoundPrint,” a program that airs on NPR’s WAMU affiliate at American University in Washington, D.C.

When Roll Call asked Simeone about the conflict of interest and the apparent ethics violations, she replied, “Well, I work in radio still, but this is totally different” because she says she’s a “freelancer.”

NPR’s ethics policy for journalists forbids them from “engag[ing] in public relations work, paid or unpaid.”

Full story here.

Ed.Note: Photo added by Big Journalism.