I usually email and post an article after I’ve done all the research on a show about Operation Fast and Furious, but Rachel Maddow will be a two-parter because of her May 6th 2011 episode. In this episode Ms. Maddow attends the NRA convention with Meghan McCain, Senator John McCain’s daughter and she speaks with Rev Ricky Burgess, Pittsburgh City Councilman, in two segments. Ms. Maddow and Rev Burgess were making the case for more gun control. Ms. Maddow used Tuscon and the shooting of Representative Giffords as her prime example while Rev Burgess used his part of Pittsburgh as the reason for more gun control. One thing that came up in both conversations were assault rifles. I bet you can guess what was NOT mentioned:Operation Fast and Furious or Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Before I say more here is the email I sent to Ms. Maddow. Of course I attached a picture of Brian Terry.

Hello Ms. Maddow:

My name is Mary Chastain and I am a writer for Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism. I have been keeping an eye out for Operation Fast and Furious coverage in the mainstream media. I have written some of your colleagues at NBC and I usually only write after I do the full research, but I have to email you now after viewing your May 6 2011 show.

On February 23, 2011 Sharyl Attkisson at CBS News broke the story about Operation Fast & Furious. Our federal government allowed guns to be walked across the border. Guns from this operation have been found at crime scenes in America, including the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on December 14, 2010. Remember him? I doubt you do since your show all that week never mentioned him. I’ve attached a photo of him to refresh your memory in case you do know about him.

I would’ve talked a lot about your May 6 show because of the irony, but what really made me scratch my head is that you aired this episode about gun control just 3 days after Attorney General Eric Holder testified in front of Congress about Operation Fast and Furious. Yet no mention about his testimony. This is really odd because I would think Operation Fast & Furious would be a great story for a show about guns.

I read the transcripts and viewed the videos. Your interview with Rev Ricky Burgess, Pittsburgh City Councilman, was heart breaking and I know it was suppose to be. I also know you talked to him because the NRA held their convention in Pittsburgh. I know you wanted to show what supposed lack of gun control does to everyday Americans.

This is all fine and dandy, but isn’t our federal government allowing these major assault rifles that you and Rev Burgess railed against to land in the hands of dangerous Mexican drug cartels a bigger story? I don’t know if you realized you did this, but when you described straw purchases to Rev Burgess you described Operation Fast & Furious!

MADDOW: Let me make sure I understand that. Reading about, I know that’s one of the things Pittsburgh tried. So, if I’m a straw purchaser, I’m legally allowed to buy guns but I’m not buying it for myself, I’m buying them in my name and giving them to other people and they are used in crimes.

You realize that is EXACTLY what was going on in Operation Fast & Furious? The federal government told gun shop owners to sell guns to these straw purchasers KNOWING they would give them to other people and used in crimes?!

Our federal government allowed guns to be bought by straw purchasers knowing they would be used by the Mexican drug cartels. These guns have been found in America! Like I said one killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona!

It just seems weird to me that in a show about guns you wouldn’t talk about the biggest fish in the pond, our own federal government. Tell me why. Tell me why you have deliberately ignored Operation Fast & Furious, especially on your May 6 show.

Respond to me soon please. I will be emailing you again when I finish my research. By the way all my research will be posted at Big Journalism. Also look at the picture of Brian Terry and realize what happens to American citizens when our federal government allows guns to walk.

Mary Chastain

I’m sitting here still scratching my head wondering how the hell she could do this show without mentioning Operation Fast and Furious, especially since Mr. Holder testified three days before.