It is absolutely amazing to watch as the media continues to attempt the character assassination of Herman Cain, who is by all accounts a decent and honorable Christian family man. The most recent allegation leveled against him involves unsubstantiated claims of sexual harassment and invisible accusers. The game plan as of the third day is obvious. Level an attack with very few details and allow the candidate to tell the story and defend himself while you tear him down.

Cain is playing it straight and has shared details on an incident where he apparently compared the height of a female employee to that of his wife. In today’s world of undercarriage tweets, this does not rise to the level of sexual harassment. More to the point, if this is all that Cain’s detractors have against him, he may just be the cleanest candidate the left wing has ever seen!

Worlds apart–that is where we are right now. In the media’s view, we should respect John Edwards, who fathered a child with his political consultant while married to a woman fighting a losing battle with cancer. In the view of the left wing, a man with over 30 years of business experience should have to defend himself against spurious charges from unknown accusers while the President they never vetted takes notes.

While the libs inhabit “Race Card World,” Americans are asking: where was Politico during the Obama campaign? Where are Obama’s transcripts from kindergarten on up through law school? Where are his college girlfriends? For that matter, media outlets, could you please produce any person that knew Obama from any time in his past? The double standard is unacceptable and will no longer be tolerated.

On FNC’s ‘Hannity,’ Ann Coulter said we (conservatives) have the best blacks. While it’s unclear the complete thought behind this statement, what is clear is that Coulter is comparing conservative blacks to liberal ones and finding the libs wanting. I agree with her on that front. It’s obvious that conservative blacks work hard, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and achieve higher than average levels of success without help from the government.

Recently, Politico had an article titled: “GOP dilemma: How to handle Herman Cain” which showed their contempt for any black GOP candidate. The left wing has had a field day trotting out every liberal commentator to effectively strip Cain of his blackness. It’s as if he can’t possibly be black, because he is a successful businessman and a conservative. If a person isn’t allowed to think for him or herself, try different things, or make decisions about politics, then that person is indigent, or they are enslaved. Do you hear that, black folks?

I’ll close with this. After Bill Clinton and the sordid sexual things that we were made to learn he did with Lewinsky in the White House, this is a non-story. No matter how many women come forward, without names, faces, and proof of investigations, Herman Cain is innocent until proven guilty.

It’s been four days, left-wing media. Let it go.