Michele Bachmann was the first GOP presidential candidate to demand Eric Holder’s resignation. Last Monday Rick Perry published an op-ed in The Washington Times demanding Mr. Holder’s resignation and yesterday morning Jon Huntsman also remarked that Mr. Holder should resign, yet the majority of the Old Media ignore them and the other congressmen who think Mr. Holder should resign.

There is no excuse from the Old Media we should accept, especially since Mr. Perry’s op-ed appears in The Washington Times. The Old Media can deny it all they want, but we all know if this was a GOP administration they would be contacting every single Democrat politician and reporting anyone calling for the attorney general to resign.

Wait a minute. They already did! Oh yes: Remember my previous articles comparing coverage of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Mr. Holder? That’s right. The Old Media was reporting on Mr. Gonzales so much in 2007 even I was sick of it and that’s when I was still a super liberal.

Politico gave a report on May, 20 2007 when Nancy Pelosi joined in: “The nation cannot have a chief law enforcement officer whose candor and judgment are in serious question,” Pelosi said. “The president should restore credibility to the office of the attorney general. Alberto Gonzales must resign.” Why hasn’t she said the same thing about Mr. Holder? Of course Politico included the Republicans who thought Mr. Gonzales should go. I can’t imagine how happy that made them.

Look what I found! Then Senator Barack Obama calls for Mr. Gonzales to step down! I think someone should replay this to President Obama because he could apply his answer to Mr. Holder now.


I also found Hillary Clinton calling for Mr. Gonzales to step down. The Huffington Post wrote an article about how these 2008 Democrat front runners wanted Mr. Gonzales to step aside, but I haven’t seen or read anything there about these 2012 Republican candidates calling for Mr. Holder to resign. An editorial in The New York Times published on June 13, 2007 discussed how it was disturbing so many Republicans weren’t calling out Mr. Gonzales. I have not found anything in the Times about how disturbing it is absolutely no Democrats are calling for Mr. Holder to resign.

I’d continue, but I need to save some for more articles. The double standard is mind blowing. You’d think once the GOP candidates started to chime in the Old Media would finally start reporting on this scandal. They spin Mr. Holder’s November 8th testimony, completely ignore the GOP press conference on November 15th about Mr. Holder, and now they ignore this. I wonder what it will take for them to either report on Operation Fast & Furious or give it the consideration they gave Mr. Gonzales.