Oh my.

“I famously said a statement earlier where I said Michele Bachmann was the poor man’s Sarah Palin. I am completely wrong. This is the thinking man’s Sarah Palin.”

Yes, Meghan McCain “said a statement” earlier which was given prominence by the position of her father’s coattails.

” … and on her foreign policy things there are things that I agreed with, I just don’t understand why this woman that I met with yesterday hasn’t been coming across.”

I’m glad that Meghan McCain agrees with some of Bachmann’s “foreign policy things.”

MEGHAN MCCAIN: “For me as a Republican woman, character is a big part of how I vote for someone … she answered it very politically and referenced our Founding Fathers.”

ALEX WAGNER: “It’s always good to reference the Founding Fathers.”

I’m glad that candidates can score points with Meghan McCain by answering “politically” and “referencing our Founding Fathers.” Her analysis is mentally on par with a show-and-tell presentation, though age-wise, she is not.

I’m also glad that she sounds as though redemption is important in character, too, especially on the subject of infidelity. It is the story of how her parents met, after all.