– Janet Robinson, Chief Executive of the NYT, steps down with a hefty $15m exit package:

A Times Co representative declined to give any more details on Robinson’s departure beyond the statement issued last Thursday, and did not make her available for comment …

… News of Robinson’s severance agreement comes during the same week that a wave of buyouts hit the newsroom of the flagship New York Times and the company disclosed that it was in talks to sell 16 regional newspapers to Halifax Media Holdings. More than a dozen newsroom staffers reportedly took buyouts, among them well-known bylines including sports writer George Vecsey, metro columnist Clyde Haberman, and business reporter Diana Henriques.

Against the backdrop of an 80 percent decline in the Times Co’s stock over her seven-year tenure as CEO, the size of Robinson’s exit package prompted some criticism in the newsroom. Times Co shares are down 25 percent this year alone.

– Ron Paul bolts from CNN interview upon being asked about those newsletters:

Sure, Paul still has a number of questions to answer about these and the passage of time doesn’t diminish the offensiveness of newsletters filled with this stuff using his name to make him profits, but don’t you wish the media would have asked this of Obama about Jeremiah Wright?

Speaking of those newsletters:


Transcript, starting around 1:45

I also put out a political type of business investment newsletter that sort of covered all these areas. And it covered a lot about what was going on in Washington, and financial events, and especially some of the monetary events. Since I had been especially interested in monetary policy, had been on the banking committee, and still very interested in, in that subject, that this newsletter dealt with it. This had to do with the value of the dollar, the pros and cons of the gold standard, and of course the disadvantages of all the high taxes and spending that our government seems to continue to do.

NYPD undergoes training over OWS access.

Two more women say Philadelphia Daily News sportswriter Bill Conlin sexually abused them as children.

– The Project for Excellence in Journalism released their annual year-end report.