Dueling narratives emerge on Iowa.

Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch will be bringing coverage of Iowa with CNN beginning this evening. Larry O’Connor will be bringing coverage from Iowa on UStream; watch Breitbart.tv for details.

– The NYT: Why isn’t Obama more social?

Before you get excited that this is a case of MSM turning on Obama, read this graph:

White House officials, however, counter that Mr. Obama’s detachment from Congress could end up benefiting him politically. After all, many Americans regard this Congress as dysfunctional, with abysmal approval ratings.

Its a campaign strategy. This is a president who has hosted countless A-list White House parties; he’s very social, but he needs to give the impression that there exists tension between him and congress because he needs a bogeyman and congress is the perfect foil.

– I dislike David Brooks, but his quip on Romney was funny:

He talks — he sings, or at least recites, some verses from ‘The Star-Spangled Banner.’ It’s as if he’s running to be Tom Sawyer.”

– Kathy Griffin is much more interested in taking her shirt off for people than people are interested in seeing her take off her shirt.

Oprah moves to save her network:

According to the Associated Press, Discovery is taking the long view and sees this as a three to five year investment, but with Winfrey’s increased involvement it is obvious that this is really the make or break year.

If things don’t improve, by this time next year Discovery could decide to dis-OWN the channel.

– Ombuds pick their notable corrections of 2011.

– Look who joined Twitter: @rupertmurdoch.