Relentlessly and unreasonably prattling on without any objectivity for one candidate and against another with all the self control of a Meth head tweaking away the night disassembling their stereo, or an old AM radio, is bound to catch up to a pundit. Today is that day for the Right’s beloved Jennifer Rubin.

Referring to this December report on the least desirable endorsements (“According to a Marist poll, 79 percent of New Hampshire voters say getting Trump’s support would make them less likely or no more likely to vote for him or her”), Jesse Benton, spokesman for Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), e-mails me, “Poor Newt. Based on the polling I’ve seen, he stands to lose 5 points from this circus act.” As for Trump, Benton cracks, “I didn’t think it was possible for Trump to lower his credibility, but somehow, he just did.”

Perhaps it was the Donald’s appreciation for Mitt Romney’s unproductive style of governance in Massachusetts that caused him to settle on Mitt, or maybe he simply longs to sing a duet of America the Beautiful with him – we may never know. But rest assured, give it a day, or two and the light, life and inspiration of conservativism, our dear Jenn Rubin of the Washington Post will somehow manage to convince herself that joining them for a little three part harmony would just be the bomb. Let’s wait and see.

… all of these pro-Newt characters share a penchant for extreme, nasty rhetoric with a disdain for productive governance. This is all about THEM and their PR machines.

Really, what’s next for Newt — a Duke Cunningham endorsement from a jail cell?

Well, that’s unclear as this entire Trump Mitt fiasco is Trump’s doing, not Newt’s. The better question may be, what’s next for Jennifer Rubin? I mean, really, can one top a face plant into irrelevance from the height of Trump Tower? I’m not so certain. But if there’s a way to embarass oneself more completely than Rubin did, I have utmost confidence in dear Jenn Rubin’s ability to stumble upon it before the 2012 primary is over.