Earlier today Comedian Steven Crowder and Chris Loesch, a production artist, performed a satirical (by design) number called “Mr. America” at CPAC as a last-minute request to mark the launch of the same name video. The video (and the performance) features Crowder and Loesch dressed as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson opining about the loss of American exceptionalism. “We were fighting off Red Coats while we were brewin’ our beer” raps Crowder. At one point in the song the duo say “knickers,” while referencing their old-school pants. A writer at Huffington Post, with an apparently inability to spell, convinced herself that they said a racial slur, based on the sole observation that the audio technician, who happens to be black, which blogger Amanda Terkel was quick to note, walked out of frame to fix the audio levels.


There was one particularly awkward moment in the performance, when they used the word “knickers,” which happens to sound a lot like a racially loaded word beginning with the letter “n.” The music then stopped and they joked, “What? Knickers? I can say knickers!” At that moment, coincidentally, a technician — who happened to be one of the only African-American individuals in the room and was working at the front at the time — stood up and walked away.

Terkel’s scope of journalistic integrity doesn’t include actually interviewing the subjects about whom she’s writing. Terkel did not stay or ask either Crowder or Loesch for comment, nor did she interview the audio technician. She didn’t post the original video, either, until asked, because it’s easier to blow the race whistle without context.

Big Journalism is working to identify and interview the audio technician.

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, the man who once accused Andrew Breitbart of using a sandwich board as a computer,cracks out this lie:

Yes, they’re yelling the N word, pretending they’re saying “knickers.”

Johnson wasn’t there, of course, nor has he watched the video. Not that it would matter; everything any conservative does is somehow racist. Somewhat relatedly, Johnson thinks our Marines are “bloodthirsty killers.”

Progressives will do anything to play the race card — or attack conservatives, even employ lies which do more to show their own prejudices than condemn those they are attacking.