CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson was unable to attend CPAC to receive an award from AIM (Accuracy in Media); however, there’s no evidence to support Media Matters’ claim that CBS prevented Attkisson from receiving the award in person.

CBS Pulls Attkisson From CPAC Award Event

After saying Attkisson would be donating the award to the family of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Isham added: “CBS News is very proud of Sharyl’s groundbreaking reporting, as you’ve described it. It represents the best at CBS News — original reporting that we are extremely proud of.”

In fact, Attkisson mentioned the award more than once in her Tweet stream and TMP, which also reported the story, makes no mention of Attkisson being pulled by the network for any reason.

Logan Churchwell, a spokesperson with Accuracy in Media, told TPM that Attkisson was sent on assignment out of town. Churchwell confirmed that CBS’ bureau chief will accept the award on her behalf. “It’s unfortunate (she won’t attend),” Churchwell said, but “we can understand the circumstances.” CBS News’ Washington Bureau chief, Chris Isham, at the event said Attkison is “very sorry not to be here today.”

Attkisson’s Tweet stream, which links the TPM story, not Media Matters, is here.

@CBSNews D.C Bureau Chief accepts AIM award on behalf of @SharylAttkisson (on assignment) donated money Brian Terry Family. #fastandfurious Retweeted by Sharyl Attkisson

Hillary Clinton2012 @VoteHillary2012 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open @SharylAttkisson will not accept media award in person at #CPAC12, as she is on assignment Congrats, Sharyl. Retweeted by Sharyl Attkisson

If Media Matters wanted to report that CBS was somehow behind Attkisson not attending in person to receive the award, it’s their responsibility to provide documentation of same, assuming truth matters at MMfA. As may believe, their handling of the non-event indicates truth doesn’t matter to Eric Boehlert and Media Matters at all.