Dylan Byers may be the new kid on the block over at Politico.com, but he’s already fallen in line with how easily the site regurgitates the ramblings of Media Matters for America.

The recent blockbuster by The Daily Caller shows the cozy relations many mainstream media types have with MMfA and how reporters routinely target people selected by the George Soros-funded group.

Seems Byers is doing just that to Big Journalism’s own Dana Loesch.

A quick search for “Loesch” over at Politico.com reveals Byers has brought up alleged transgressions and unsavory connections to Loesch seven times in this still-young new year.

Saul Alinsky would be proud.

When CNN suspended contributor Roland Martin for allegedly offensive Tweets, Byers quickly wondered why the same fate hadn’t befallen both Loesch and Erick Erickson, another rare conservative face on CNN.

When Loesch won a journalism award from Accuracy in Media, Byers capped his report with ugly quotes from MMfA claiming the group is “a cesspool of hate” without a morsel of proof to back up the claim.

Byers’ latest post on Loesch uses a graph to chart her appearances on CNN. That’s an awful lot of work to track how often a political contributor appears on a network. But no stone can remain unturned for Byers, at least where a conservative is concerned. After all, MMfA is watching.