– Fox News’s Megyn Kelly: All Media Matters will catch me doing is sitting on the cough watching “Downton Abbey.”

– Kudos to Big Peace’s Peter Schweizer from Jon Stewart:

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-COMICAL: Media Matters sort of mentions the Daily Caller’s attacks … again, sort of.

– CNN cancels the Super Tuesday debate after two of the four candidates drop out.

– Anthony Shadid’s death trains focus on the difficulty of reporting from Syria:

The refusal of the Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, to let foreign journalists move freely around the country has spurred some to sneak in through Lebanon or Turkey at great personal risk. Among them wasAnthony Shadid, a foreign correspondent of The New York Times, who had spent nearly a week reporting covertly inside Syria and was on his way back to Turkey when he collapsed and died on Thursday, apparently of an asthma attack. He was traveling with Tyler Hicks, a photographer for The Times.

Journalists from the BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, Al Jazeera English and a small number of other news organizations have managed to enter Syria without visas, like Mr. Shadid and Mr. Hicks did, and bear witness to the lopsided battles between the Assad government and opposition fighters and citizens. Along the way, journalists have confronted a unique combination of challenges, including tenuous cellphone and Internet connections, the absence of a clear front line and the constant threat of being caught by security forces loyal to the Syrian government.

– Andrea Mitchell, Barbara Boxer try to analogize the argument over freebie birth control to women’s rights. Cue eyeroll.

– CBS’s Chris Isham accepts the AIM award on behalf of Sharyl Attkisson.

– A reporter and a mayoral candidate face off over accusations of bias and “believability.”

– Olbermann 0, Bigs 1.