The mainstream media in Washington, DC is apoplectic after Gov. Sarah Palin backed Andrew Breitbart’s project, “The Vetting.”

In an exclusive article for entitled “Breitbart Is Here,” Palin had endorsed Breitbart’s effort to vet Barack Obama, his Republican rivals–and the mainstream media itself:

Breitbart’s most immediate mission was the belated vetting of Barack Obama. This obviously is an issue very near and dear to my heart.

During the ’08 campaign, the same media that reported breathlessly about an old used tanning bed I purchased to get some sun during the dark Alaskan winter, couldn’t be bothered to investigate Barack Obama’s associations, statements or even his voting record as a state senator. Suntans and what I wore on the campaign trail were more important than Obama’s political background. Unbelievable.

Predictably, after Palin’s article was reported by Politico, the left began venting instead of vetting. Ed Kilgore, a Democrat strategist who also writes for the Washington Monthly, penned an angry, snark-filled response:

OMG. Andrew Breitbart is the Right’s very own Alinksky [sic]….A few days after suffering the terrible indignity of Game Change, Queen Esther of the Permafrost is clearly in a mood to share the pain.

The Vetting continues.