Over a month after the Daily Caller began exposing Media Matters’ internal workings, including funding from left-wing allies, bizarre office hijinks, anti-Semitic employees, backdoor payoffs to former lovers, and connections with the Obama Administration, the organization remains largely silent. The longest response from Media Matters thus far has come from Executive Vice President Ari Rabin-Havt, who stated, “I generally make a policy not to respond to trolls, basically. I’m not going to respond to an article that’s basically filled up with crap. There’s no point getting into a match back and forth with The Daily Caller, and that’s why we chose not to respond.” The fallout has been so bad that Great Leader David Brock has gone virtually silent despite his attempts to pump his latest book, The Fox Effect.

This is an unusual departure for the usually media-hungry organization. According to the Daily Caller, Brock refused to appear on Howard Kurtz’s “Reliable Sources” on CNN. He also hasn’t appeared on MSNBC – although that may be due to the organization’s desire not to associate too closely with the person allegedly writing their scripts. The only comment from Brock was given to Ed Schultz on Schultz’s radio show: “We haven’t responded. Reuters said that The Daily Caller piece was ‘bad journalism and lame propaganda,’ and we don’t feel like we need to respond to that.”

That won’t cut it, of course. These allegations are going to continue to balloon unless Media Matters puts out an alternative narrative. The fact that Media Matters won’t – when they’ve made their entire mission providing an alternative, generally false narrative about conservative media coverage – certainly speaks to the probable veracity of the Daily Caller’s reportage.