In their indiscriminate rush to destroy anyone and everyone associated with Rush Limbaugh, allies of Media Matters have included the Ad Council and the Department of Transportation on their boycott list for a child booster seat public service announcement broadcast during Limbaugh’s show. Apparently, even innocuous booster seat announcements must be stopped. You never know when the kids in the back seat will turn into Rush Babies.

The website, Stop Rush, is run by two radical left self-described volunteers who deny all involvement with Media Matters. But as Legal Insurrection has pointed out, the website carried a post linking to Media Matters, asking its followers to let Media Matters know if they are running “another Rush-related effort … There’s a HUGE number of efforts out there, and they’re trying to connect them all for info sharing, etc.” Search the website now, and that post has been conveniently removed.

Media Matters’ campaign – and the campaign of their associates – is a vicious, coordinated smear designed to tank risk-averse businesses who simply want to communicate with customers. It is inexcusable, damaging both the economy and the First Amendment freedoms we cherish.