In Tuesday’s Boston Globe an opinion piece appeared by one Mac D’Alessandro. In it he referred to George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who shot Trayvon Martin, as a white neighborhood watch captain. Later, the same piece was posted again, but white had been changed to Hispanic.

It has been nearly a week since the shooting, and the news media has finally acknowledged Zimmerman’s Latino background — yet D’Alessandro still referred to him as white before someone got to him and suggested the change. There couldn’t be another agenda at work here, could there?

There could. Who is D’Alessandro?  He’s a leftist lawyer running for Congress against the incumbent democrat Stephen Lynch. – and the Globe endorsed him. The Globe described him thus:

D’Alessandro has a ground-level perspective on the district. A graduate of Boston College Law School, he dedicated himself to community activism, first through Greater Boston Legal Services, where he rose to legislative director and lobbied Beacon Hill for job-training programs, and more recently as political director of the Massachusetts Service Employees’ International Union.

Heavy into the SEIU?  Yeah, he’s left all right. And the left is pushing the race card as loud and often as they can.