Behold the dazzling intellectual gymnastics of today’s practitioners of cultural Marxism:

1. Last summer, in response to a Canadian cop suggesting women should “avoid dressing like sluts,” self-proclaimed feminists around the country participated in “slut walks” wherein they dressed like porn stars. “Slut” was an empowering badge of pride.

2. On February 29 of this year, Rush Limbaugh used the word “slut” to describe professional “reproductive justice” activist Sandra Fluke who apparently has sex so much that she needs the government to pay for her contraception. After fierce condemnation for his words, Limbaugh apologized. Fluke refused to accept it.

So on which side of the Madonna-whore complex do progressives find themselves today?

Now in the newest attack on Governor Scott Walker in response to his successful challenge against the thuggery of Wisconsin’s private sector unions, Jezebel has piggybacked on a smear from Alternet and targeted one of his aids with personal attacks dating back to her college days. What heresy unleashed this new sexist attack against Ciara Matthews?

Working at Hooters while holding pro-life views.

Erin Gloria Ryan of Jezebel delivers the “slut shaming,” throwing in an old picture of Matthews in her uniform for good measure:

In a hypocritical turn, Matthews seems totally fine with selling chaste sexiness but not permitting sexuality — she used to be a waitress at Hooters. Now, short of cooking meth or murdering enemies of the mob, doing what you have to do to work your way through college is generally admirable, and Matthews shouldn’t be faulted for donning the shiny suntan nylons and orange short shorts of the Hooters uniform. As they say, if you’ve got it, flaunt it.

But profiting from selling a plasticized form of unnatural sexiness designed to arouse men while simultaneously believing that women should be forced to face the “consequences” of actually giving in to their sexual desires is a pretty backward way of thinking. And she should be taken to task for it. So we’ve posted this hilarious picture of her in her Hooters uniform to illustrate the ridiculousness of all of this — Walker, Matthews, their wacky beliefs, and the general asshats who we’ve somehow elevated to positions like Governor of an entire goddamn state. Vote, people! This is what happens when you don’t!

Look at the way Ryan understands sexuality. In her imagination, unplanned pregnancies happen because of women “actually giving in to their sexual desires.” A woman’s reproductive urge is a primal, divine force that no law or lack of money should dare impede. Any opposition to the right to abortion on demand is akin to “not permitting sexuality.”

So is there any surprise that Ryan would so resent the emotionally and intellectually mature conservative woman? That she would loathe women who don’t live in fear that someday they’ll wake up with “consequences” as a result of a night trying to heal their emotional brokenness with self-destructive casual sex? That she would long to destroy those who have mastered the art of being sexy without being promiscuous–of being a multilayered, complex woman who can take charge of her own life and know how to draw out her partner’s respect, commitment and desire?