At the Washington Times today, Charles Hurt contrasts the mainstream media’s fixation on obscure and irrelevant “news”–such as Ann Romney’s enthusiasm for horses–with the Breitbart News’s team’s focus on actual facts:

So, not only does Mrs. Romney love horses, but she doesn’t like lawyers? And she wants to be first lady? Why … this American voters simply will not stand!

Nothing is so un-American as riding horses and being a teenager.

But wait … did you hear about the latest crazy “Birther” claim from right-wing crazies placing Mr. Obama’s birth in his father’s homeland of Kenya?

These right-wing “Birthers” over at the Breitbart news empire actually published a promotional booklet written by Mr. Obama’s literary agent touting the young author as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

Problem is that the folks over at Breitbart are not and never have been so-called “Birthers” who believe Mr. Obama was born outside the U.S. But they are news people, and they know news when they see it and they run it.

Read the whole article here.

Photo – from Politico, documenting then-president-elect Obama’s visit to the Washington Post in 2009.