Breitbart News, monitoring ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer, has found the network’s flagship news program gave less coverage to Congress’s vote to hold a sitting Attorney General in contempt than the death of a “My Three Sons” actor and an auction program for lost airline luggage.

The program led with stories on the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act and wildfires in Colorado–stories of equal magnitude to AG Eric Holder being found in criminal and civil contempt. WN then covered SCOTUS striking down the Stolen Valor Act, a law which criminalized false claims of military service.

World News also devoted segments to a physical altercation between an airline employee and a passenger, the death of “My Three Sons” actor Don Grady, and an auction service for lost airline luggage. 

The program’s coverage of today’s contempt vote lasted a total of thirty seconds:

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Congress’s vote ended at approximately 4:45 PM EST, 105 minutes before World News’ broadcast at 6:30 PM EST. Rival NBC News was able to put together a full news package on the vote within this time.