This morning, CNN’s Ali Velshi followed the Obama campaign’s talking points to the letter, hitting Republican Mitt Romney for “offshore accounts,” “tax returns,” and for raising money in the Hamptons at the home of David Koch, the younger of the two Koch brothers, the left wing’s favorite bogeymen. Velshi claimed, falsely, that 200 protestors had shown up to protest the Romney fundraiser–a number that exceeded even the 150 claimed by an activist from Occupy Wall Street, and the 100 demonstrators reported today by Newsday.

What Velshi and CNN did not show–because it would have exposed their lie–is any image of the protest itself. The photograph above is from John Hinderaker at the Powerline blog, and shows the peak of the protest crowd. The demonstration was largely a bust, with fewer than ten participants at one point–a striking failure given the large number of organizations involved: “a consortium of left-wing groups including, Occupy Wall Street, the Long Island Progressive Coalition, Greenpeace, Strong For All, United New York, the Teamsters Union and others.” Yet CNN and Velshi amplified the failed protest and its message.

Has Velshi bothered to ask why Barack Obama has spent more time–and public money–fundraising with rich donors than any president in American history? Have he and CNN demanded that Obama release key records that he is withholding–not just personal records such as his academic transcripts and his infamous tribute to Palestinian radical Rashid Khalidi, but official records such as the thousands of documents in Fast & Furious? Did they bother to ask the anti-Koch brothers demonstrators–sparse though they were–who sent them, and why they fail to turn up at swanky events hosted by George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker–which the Obama campaign promotes by staging contests that offer a few small-dollar donors the chance to attend?