Shockingly, employees from the New York Times and the Huffington Post have donated money to President Obama’s re-election campaign. Sally Singer, the editor of “T: The New York Times Style Magazine,” gave $500 to Obama in January, and John Stickney, a senior editor for the New York Times Syndicate, gave $300 in December.

The New York Times has a “strict” policy of eschewing political contributions from its employees:

“Staff members may not themselves give money to any political candidate or election cause or raise money for one. Given the ease of Internet access to public records of campaign contributions, any political giving by a staff member would risk feeding a false impression that we are taking sides.”

Hmm … a false impression they are taking sides?

Singer claimed that the $500 she gave at a fashion event was inadvertent; she had no idea that the event was a fundraiser for Obama.


New York Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy said of Stickney: “In this case he made this donation without direct knowledge of that policy. He is now aware of the policy and sincerely regrets having made the donation.”


Meanwhile, over at HuffPo, the executive editor for HuffPost BlackVoices, Christina Norman, donated $2,500 to the “Obama Victory Fund 2012” in March. That’s not exactly earthshaking; unlike the Times, HuffPo doesn’t claim to be objective.

But HuffPo didn’t want to talk about it, so it’s possible they still think they are a credible news outlet.