Matthew Jaffe of ABC News, a reporter assigned to cover “the 2012 presidential campaign,” got married this weekend to Katie Hogan, a deputy press secretary for Obama’s election campaign. Attendees at the event included multiple high-ranking members of the Obama campaign, as well as media members from ABC News and the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune.

Jaffe covers the 2012 election campaign as though he’s in bed with the entire Obama team. In June, he wrote this about Mitt Romney: “Reform Advocates Say Fate of Romney’s Candidacy ‘Could Hang in the Balance’ With Thursday Speech to Latinos.” According to Jaffe, “Even members of his own party have acknowledged the difficult road ahead for Romney.” That same month, he called “Romney’s outreach to Latino officials and voters …. Meager.” According to Jaffe, Latino voters “were largely turned off by his primary campaign.” In May, he wrote, “Do Americans Want ‘Shared Sacrifice’? Big Oil Exec Says No.”

In other words, Jaffe is a leftist. And ABC News reflects his leftism rather well.