CNN reporter Jim Acosta called the behavior of Romney’s aide in Poland “really inexcusable” and “sort of unprovoked.”

While visiting Poland’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Pilsudski Square, various members of the press following Romney on his overseas trip began to scream out questions at the candidate as he made to leave the memorial. This loud disrespect for the somber atmosphere of the memorial prompted Romney’s traveling press secretary, Rick Gorka, to interject, dressing down the media and cursing at them.

As reporters from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, and the Washington Post screamed out questions, Gorka sternly asked them to “show some respect.”

The press was screaming out things like “what about your gaffes,” and “do you have a statement for the Palestinians,” and eventually Romney aide Gorka could no longer contain himself. Just before Gorka acted, CNN’s Acosta himself yelled out, “Governor Romney, just a few questions sir; you haven’t taken but three questions on this trip from the press!”

Finally, when a reporter for the Times started whining saying that Romney hadn’t taken any questions from him in a while, Gorka replied, “Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.”

A few seconds later, Gorka told Jonathan Martin of Politico to “shove it.”

An hour or so later, the Romney aide called several members of the press to apologize for losing his cool.

All this caused CNN’s Acosta to play the victim on Tuesday’s newscast with Carol Costello.

Acosta claimed that the boorish behavior of the media is somehow normal, so screaming things out at such a “Holy site” shouldn’t get Romney and his aides all upset. Acosta went on to claim that Gorka’s treatment of him was “sort of unprovoked” and “really inexcusable.”

Acosta insisted that “to expect the media not to ask you questions is sort of unrealistic,” and he went on to note that Sam Donaldson of ABC routinely used to show disrespect for President Reagan, so Romney should accept it from CNN, too.

See Newsbusters for the full transcript of the CNN segment.