For two straight days, now ABC, CBS, and NBC have not bothered to mention the roiling controversy over the lie-filled ad that Obama’s Super PAC put out intimating that Mitt Romney killed a steel worker’s wife. The ad is being called the nastiest, most misleading ad of this election cycle by newspapers, talk radio and even the cable news stations — CNN and MSNBC both, yet — but thus far the big three are ignoring the whole story.

Despite the growth of the Internet and cable news, more Americans still get their news from the three traditional TV networks and these organizations are run almost exclusively by liberals, so it isn’t too surprising that none of them seem willing to report the truth about this despicable Obama ad. It is, however, still a breach of their responsibilities not to report the news of the day.

The cable stations, on the other hand, have been eviscerating Bill Burton, the spokesman for Obama’s super PAC Priorities USA Action, over the obvious lies in his campaign ad.

Even the most liberal of the three cable newsers, MSNBC, has been accusing Obama’s super PAC of promulgating lies. But all three have been slamming the misleading ad. Such cable personalities as Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Piers Morgan, Mika Brzensnski , and Joe Scarborough have slammed Obama and the super PAC.

As to the Networks, Bob Schieffer of CBS Evening News used Thursday’s broadcast to attack Romney for his supposed “war on women,” and the other two didn’t really do much on presidential politics at all on their Thursday evening newscasts.

Meanwhile evidence is mounting that Obama’s campaign coordinated with the super PAC on the disgusting campaign commercial in violation of the law.

Obama campaign operative Stephanie Cutter has been caught lying about her knowledge of the ad, for one. Secondly, it is patently obvious that the steel worker in the ad was filmed at the same time and by the same crew that made a Barack Obama campaign commercial that aired months ago because the worker is dressed the same, is in the same setting, and was filmed using the same lighting. If this is true, then Obama violated the law by working hand-in-hand with the super PAC.

So, not only are the claims in the ad a pack of lies, but the Obama campaign appears to have illegally worked directly with the super PAC when by law they must be demonstrably separate. Yet the big three networks still haven’t deigned to cover this growing controversy?