Media Matters’ Senior Fellow Eric Boehlert slammed America’s Navy SEALs as ‘gutless’ on the same day that two are killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. 

As we reported earlier:

Boehlert, sensing that these new ads from the Special Operation OpSec Education Fund SuperPAC might hurt Obama’s re-election, took to Twitter to try and undermine the effort. Without knowing who funds it – since, like Media Matters Action Network, it is a 501(c)(4) and not required to disclose donors (more on this in a bit) – Eric went ahead and called the group “gutless” for not admitting they were a “GOP, anti-Obama campaign.”

Does this sound ‘gutless?’

Seven American troops, 2 of which were Navy SEALs, and four Afghans died in a Black Hawk helicopter crash on Thursday in southern Afghanistan, the NATO military coalition said. The Taliban claimed their fighters shot down the aircraft.The crash marked another deadly day for the U.S. in Afghanistan, less than a week after six American service members were gunned down, apparently by two members of the Afghan security forces they were training to take over the fight against the insurgency as international combat troops prepare to exit the country by the end of 2014. 

Suddenly, the SEALs are ‘gutless’ because they criticized the Obama administration’s national security leaks? That’s how appreciation for our military works on the left? Our men and women in uniform deserve their say without a neolib Soros blogger undermining them in either the battlefield or home turf. These SEALs not only fought for their right to say their piece, but for Boehlert’s as well. Media Matters should appreciate that instead of feigning support for our military when it suits public perception.  

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those in uniform lost today and with our brave men and women every day.