Several journalists have reportedly used fake names to buy Obama campaign merchandise inside media-only areas of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC.

Politicker author Hunter Walker recounts that a seller at a souvenir stand revealed the practice when he declined her offer to buy Obama merchandise. He reminded her that buying anything would amount to a campaign donation, but she responded, “Have you ever thought of making up a fake name? That’s what the other guys do.”

Walker notes Obama’s official website warns shoppers that any merchandise bought is treated as a campaign donation. “The only way to receive items from the 2012 store is by contributing through the official store site at,” it reads.

ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos recently told a reporter he believed there is no “liberal bias” in the media during a brief interview at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL. 

Weeks earlier, Jake Tapper, also at ABC News, asserted “the media helped tip the scales” for Barack Obama in the 2008 election — that “it wasn’t always the fairest coverage.”