President Barack Obama’s approval ratings have plummeted largely because Democrats and independents who fell for his “hope and change” rhetoric in 2008 have now abandoned him and his false promises. But the mainstream media is not covering this, once again protecting their favored candidate through omissions, treating Obama with kid gloves. 

Stephen K. Bannon and Citizens United interviewed such Democrats and independents in swing states like Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, and Pennsylvania and made a movie called “The Hope and The Change.” It is a movie Sean Hannity said was the “most powerful documentary” he had ever seen. And the mainstream media must agree, because they know reporting on these stories will resonate with Americans like “The Hope and The Change,” which opens next week, has. And that is why they are not reporting on these disaffected former Obama voters. 

The influential and insightful Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus notes in The Hill that “the mainstream media are comfortably snuggled in the pocket of President Obama” and “his cheerleaders in the media no longer even make so much as the weakest attempt to camouflage their allegiance.”

Reporting on disaffected Obama voters, Jacobus notes, will not only hurt Obama but also their careers — “or at least curtail the in-crowd party invites in D.C. and the Upper West Side.”

Jacobus writes that the insular, groupthink members of political press should watch “The Hope and The Change” because “they actually talk to the Democrats who voted for Obama in 2008 in some key battleground states but are now bitterly disappointed after four years.”

“Political reporters don’t seem interested in listening to these voters and even pretend they don’t exist,” Jacobus writes. “Yet it’s these voters who are going to make Decision 2012.”

If journalists spoke to voters such as the ones profiled in “The Hope and the Change,” they may hear things such as: 

“Obama says a lot of things, but his actions are often different.” 

“Obama’s a great con-artist.”

“I think he just wanted to get up there and show off.” 

“This is the type of thing my father was trying to get away from in communist Eastern Europe.”

“This is the limit. We gotta go by the budget.”

“I fear for my children.”

“Smoke and mirrors.”

“I don’t know if we can recover from this.” 

But these soundbites and quotes from Reagan Democrats and independents outside of the political bubble would demolish the mainstream media’s narrative that Obama is a competent leader who can best help the middle class. 

That so very many Democrats — not to mention independents — who voted for the unknown Barack Obama in 2008 are now turning away from him is news. Big news.”

Jacobus notes the film also tracks Obama’s failures the mainstream media barely mentions.

“From expensive vacations on our dime, slow-jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon and the ‘cash for clunkers’ program (that could now serve as an anti-Obama campaign theme) to the S&P downgrade, the perplexing Nobel Peace Prize for literally nothing, repetitive sloganeering by Obama that borders on the creepy, ObamaCare, 23 million searching for work, failed stimulus spending and $16 trillion in debt, we are provided a painfully accurate overview of the past four years,” Jacobus writes. 

“The Hope and the Change” does what the mainstream media, which is becoming more elitist, insular, and out of touch with America’s main streets, does not and may be incapable of doing even if they tried — ask Reagan Democrats and independents substantive questions, and let them answer honestly in an unfiltered manner.