To re-elect Barack Obama, the media has a long list of what they expect us to believe. We would have to “suspend disbelief” (as Hillary Clinton once said of General David Petraeus) to vote for Barack Obama on November 6th.

Okay, let’s suspend disbelief. 

This is Alice and the Rabbit Hole at it’s finest. Choose a pill, jump right in, and don’t mind the smile on the Cheshire Cat—that’s just the Activist Old Media having a good laugh as they try to convince us the Queen of Hearts will protect our best interests. 

The media expect us to believe that Barack Obama is a foreign policy expert, and Mitt Romney knows nothing about foreign policy. How’s the Middle East looking?

The media expect us to believe the Arab Spring was a good thing and the Muslim Brotherhood are our friends. 

The media expect us to believe Obama cares about national security, even though he golfs more often than he goes to intel briefings. 

Grab that croquet mallet, Queenie, we have a tee time.

The media expect us to believe we are more angry over how Romney spends his money than how Obama spends ours.

The media expect us to be angry over Romney’s taxes, while we watch government spending and ObamaCare send our own through the roof. 

Take another blue pill.  

The media expect us to believe that, if only Obama had a few trillion more dollars, unemployment might go down to 7.9%.

The media expect us to believe that those millions who have stopped looking for work must really not want to work.

The media expect us to believe the unemployment numbers aren’t rigged. 

The media expect us to believe that we just have to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas. The new normal.

The media expect us to believe that, if only they would cooperate, Obama would work well with Republicans, even though he never has, while Romney can’t work well with Democrats, even though he has.   

The media expect us to believe they aren’t choosing sides in this election. 

Got another blue pill?

The media expect us to believe Obama is transparent, even though he has given them only two short new conferences this year. 

The media expect us to believe Obama is the Great Uniter who will bring us all together.

The media expect us to believe that a Beer Summit is how problems are solved.

Oh…pay no mind…that’s just a blue caterpillar sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah. He could be Chief of Staff during the Second Term.  

The media expect us to believe Joe Biden is just a lovable, old, harmless gaffe machine and not The Dodo running a never ending Caucus Race. 

The media expect us to believe that Obama is the smartest person on the planet, even though he won’t show anybody his academic records. 

The media expect us to believe that if only Obama had four more years, he would finally get it right. 

Oh, I’ll bet Lewis Carroll would be proud of the literary nonsense being spread by the Activist Old Media these days. Perhaps there’s a reason Carroll penned the blue pill as blissful ignorance and the red pill as the sometimes painful truth of reality. 

America needs the red pill November 6th. Time for another Tea Party.

Follow Ron Futrell on twitter @RonFutrell