After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used a cartoon graphic of a bomb to illustrate Iranian progress on their nuclear weapons program, the leftist media put its focus directly where it belonged: on the graphic of the bomb.

Not the imminent possible second Holocaust being pursued by the Iranian mullahs. The graphic.


Jeffrey Goldberg, chief Obama foreign policy flunkey at The Atlantic, where he maintains the laughable position that Barack “No Red Lines” Obama is great for Israel, tweeted these idiocies:

‪#Netanyahu’s bomb last seen in a Wile E. Coyote cartoon.

Okay, it’s official: ‪#Netanyahu has no idea what he’s doing. He has just turned a serious issue into a joke.

With all the Jewish comic book talent out there, he had to draw a Wile E. Coyote bomb? #Netanyahu

Netanyahu’s bomb cartoon is the Middle East equivalent of Clint Eastwood’s chair.

By contrast, Goldberg was silent about Barack Obama’s pathetic insistence that there was some deadline for Iran, even if he didn’t know what it was. And he praised Obama for supposedly standing up for free speech, even though Obama did no such thing.

The Daily Beast quickly followed with a piece titled, “Bibi Kills It … And Then Pulls Out Charts.” And Buzzfeed started its own Netanyahu bomb meme.
