On Thursday, Mother Jones reported that billionaire financier George Soros was “panicked” that Mitt Romney would win the election–and then scrubbed the story without explanation. Mother Jones–the left-wing outlet that published the incomplete “47 percent” video of Romney–was reporting on Soros’s reasons for donating $1 million to the Paul Begala / Bill Burton run Priorities USA Action PAC on Sep. 27.

Priorities USA Action is the same super PAC that ran the now-infamous “Soptic Ad” in which a man falsely linked Romney to his wife’s death from cancer years after Romney left Bain Capital to run the Olympics. Soros now joins legendary misogynist and religion-hater Bill Maher as major contributors to the pro-Obama PAC run by former Obama Deputy Press Secretary, Bill Burton.

You might find yourself asking “So? George Soros has given millions to all kinds of groups. What’s the big deal?” The donation is significant because Soros has always tried to play, at least in public, the role of the rich guy trying to “give back” by supporting “grassroots” movements–and not hack operations like Priorities USA, which are more focused on creating attack ads.

The very same Soros spokesman who announced the new donation even said, as recently as May of this year, that Mr. Soros had focused his giving to grassroots organizations instead of ad-based PACs because he was opposed to those kinds of advocacy groups. He even cited the liberal bugaboo, Citizen’s United: 

“George Soros believes the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to special interests’ paying for political ads,” said Michael Vachon, a spokesman for Mr. Soros. “There is no way those concerned with the public interest can compete with them. Soros has always focused his political giving on grass-roots organizing and holding conservatives accountable for the flawed policies they promote. His support of these groups is consistent with those views.”

But a few short months later, Soros is giving $1 million to the worst of the liberal ad-based super PACs this cycle. What happened between May and September?

On the basis of evidence from publicly available sources, it would seem that somehow Soros was convinced–like other rich leftist donors–to violate his “principles” and give to the very groups he disparagingly called “special interests.”

The Soros-linked Democracy Alliance, for example, made a decision this year to give to Priorities USA Action PAC. The Washington Free Beacon details how some major Democracy Alliance figures were also cutting checks to Priorities USA. Soros had already given to Brock’s American Bridge PAC, and we reported how American Bridge and Priorities USA had formed a joint fundraising committee earlier this year.

Now the circle is complete. Soros is giving $1 million to the type of super PAC he has historically said he didn’t approve of–and he’s giving to the very super PAC that David Brock has essentially taken under his wing. The Brock / Begala team clearly has a lot of sway with major donors. What did they say to convince Soros to go against his long-standing aversion to ad-based “special interest” PACs?

Is there possibly some panic among the liberal elite that the media are not telling us about? Amazingly, Mother Jones might have accidentally provided a clue–and then quickly covered it up

When you go to that last link, you’ll find the story was removed. Luckily, we have a screen cap of what used to be there.

The headline was “George Soros… ‘Panicked that Romney could win this.'”

That would go against the narrative the media have been trying to pound into our heads the last few weeks. And, of course, Mother Jones claims their source said it was all wrong… now. But as I’ve outlined above, something convinced Soros to give to a group he doesn’t normally give to and clearly, David Brock et al. are telling major donors something that is opening up their checkbooks.

Is the race really over, as the Democrat-Media Complex is saying? 

Obviously, the big money is saying that’s not the case.