Remember how liberals are the only ones tolerant of others? Well, keep that in mind as you listen to talk show host Michelangelo Signorile tell a gay caller who voted for Mitt Romney that he should take “arsenic” and commit suicide because he dared to vote for a Republican.

Via our friends at Gay Patriot, we get yet another example of the “more tolerant” set, who cannot stand to see someone think differently than they do, “tolerantly” wishing death on anyone that disagrees with them.

Signorile hosts a gay-themed radio show on SiriusXM and during his October 31 show slipped into full blown Obama flack mode as a caller tells him he is both gay and a Romney voter.

Transcript of relevant segments

(At about 2:15)

Michelangelo Signorile: Mitt Romney Does not think gay people should adopt, he does not think gay people should marry, he does not think gay people should be protected against discrimination. Now, you went and voted for him and it would have been much easier to go to the store and buy some arsenic and make a potion and take it. You know what I mean?

Caller Wes: No, I have no clue.

Signorile: That would have been much easier than, you know, waiting for the slow painful death that Mitt Romney will bring.

I, I honestly, I can’t talk to you if you don’t have correct facts, Wes. And you are the epitome of a low information voter. You should not be allowed to vote.

Caller Wes: Oh, really!?

Signorile: Well, you vote based on distortions and I don’t even know what you’re talking about with regard to Clinton and Obama. Obama who did Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.


(At about 3:35)

Signorile: Like I said, Wes. Go to the drug store, there are plenty of things you can get, it’ll put you to sleep really, really easily. Ok? Cuz that would be a better way than the convoluted, twisted way you’re doing it, right? you’re stabbing yourself, uh, right in the back.

So, not only did Signorile lie that Mitt Romney wants gays to have a “slow death” (or any death at all, for that matter), the talker himself wished death on anyone that disagrees with his gay agenda.

Speaking of “tolerance,” Michelangelo Signorile is a big admirer of Obama’s “bullying czar,” Dan Savage, the same guy who has been repeatedly heard bullying Christian kids during his school presentations on “bullying.”

Such tolerance, eh?