In a November 16 story about Palestinian rockets being launched into Israel’s civilian population, the Associated Press felt the need to qualify the fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and even “corrected” their Twitter account for saying as much.

This is how the AP described Jerusalem:

An attack on Israel’s self-declared capital marks a major escalation by Gaza militants, both for its symbolism and its distance from the Palestinian territory. Located roughly 75 kilometers (50 miles) away from the Gaza border, Jerusalem had been thought to be beyond the range of Gaza rocket squads. [emphasis added]

AP sent a pair of tweets late in the morning to flog this story, the second of which read:

The Associated Press @AP
Air raid sirens in Jerusalem signal a possible rocket attack aimed at Israel’s self-declared capital: -KH (correction)

Why is that Tweet a “correction”? Because about an hour earlier AP made a “mistake” by posting the following:

The Associated Press @AP
Air raid sirens wail in Jerusalem, signaling a possible rocket attack aimed at Israel’s capital: -KH

Yes, the correction was for omitting the “self-declared” capital.