When the conservative movement has a summit of its wealthy donors and supporters, the mainstream media frantically hyperventilates. Coverage of Mitt Romney’s donor retreats and summits associated with the Koch brothers are portrayed as deep, dark, secretive meetings where plots are hatched to take over the government.

But what kind of coverage does the mainstream media give when the Democracy Alliance, the group founded by George Soros that is comprised of leftist millionaires and billionaires who finance liberal foundations and Super PACs, has its winter meeting?


How far did the media have to travel to cover the event? Try one block from the White House. The Washington Post and the New York Times didn’t mention it.

But this isn’t surprising; the prevailing narrative in the mainstream media is that only wealthy conservatives have nefarious motives, trading their dough for lower taxes and fewer regulations. The narrative also repeats the meme that Democrats, grief-stricken, gave up fighting campaign reform.


Barack Obama outspent Mitt Romney by hundreds of millions of dollars. Three of the top Super PACs were Democrat party supporters. And even though the Republican Party spent roughly 10% more on the 2012 election than Democrats, this doesn’t take into account the massive spending by labor unions that supported Democrats. 

Speakers at the three-day conference included Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, Sens.-elect Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, representatives from Priorities USA, opposition research outfit American Bridge 21st Century, and pro-abortion rights lobby EMILY’s List.

No coverage about the movers and shakers who plan their agendas and have incredible access to their ally in the White House.  It’s not a surprise, not a surprise at all.