Chris Matthews and his mainstream media cohorts seem to be pining for a Hillary Clinton versus Chris Christie battle in the 2016 presidential election.

“I want to see Hillary Clinton versus Chris Christie,” Matthews said during this weekend’s “The Chris Matthews Show.” “That’s the race I want.” 

Matthews had a panel of four mainstream media journalists discussing the Secretary of State’s 2016 prospects, and three journalists who will help shape the coverage leading up to 2016 were nodding or smiling as Matthews was saying that a Clinton versus Christie race would  be “just a joyful occasion for us all.”

John Harris, the editor of Politico, was nodding along with Matthews. NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell was smiling. The Washington Post‘s David Ignatius was grinning. CNBC’s Michelle Caruso Cabrera’s reaction, if she had one, was not caught on camera. Earlier in the segment, she half-jokingly said she had a “conflict of interest” because she wants the first woman president “to have gone to Wellesley,” which is her and Hillary Clinton’s alma mater. 

Leading up to 2008, the mainstream media wanted John McCain to be the Republican presidential nominee. During the the 2012 Republican primary, the mainstream media favored Mitt Romney to be the GOP standard bearer. Both candidates ended up losing in the general election.