Like all of us, David Frum of The Daily Beast was angered by the shootings in a Connecticut grade school today. He was also angered by Second Amendment supporters tweeting him about the incident, saying that he “won’t accept lectures” from “those who enable the shootings in the first place.”

Frum’s despair and anger over the incident is, of course, the proper emotional response to this crime. But, like many in the media, he also took this incident as an opportunity to promote gun control.

The Daily Beast writer took to Twitter upon learning of the incident and his response was to needle concealed carry supporters saying, “Shooting at CT elementary school. Obviously, we need to lower the age limit for concealed carry so toddlers can defend themselves.”

The author’s initial Tweet brought him the ire of conservatives when the Twitter news site Twitchy noticed his entry.

After getting a slew of scolding replies, Frum took to his blog to further explain his feelings about the criminal school shooting.

Frum related his attack on concealed carry supporters by noting that a federal court in Illinois recently told the Illinois State legislature that its concealed carry ban was unconstitutional.

He doubled down on his attack by insisting he would not backtrack or apologize for his first Tweet.

Frum went on to make the common claim that stricter laws would lead to fewer violent tragedies: “But we can say that if the United States worked harder to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be many, many fewer atrocities like the one in Connecticut.”

Every state but Illinois now has some kind of concealed carry law–a relatively new development in America. But, if Frum’s point was valid, wouldn’t the nation’s violent crime rate be trending upward, not downward?

Frum went on to wave off any thought that his Tweets were unsupportable and further claimed that supporters of the Constitution are the enablers of these tragedies. “I’ll accept no lectures about ‘sensitivity,'” he said, “on days of tragedy like today from people who work the other 364 days of the year against any attempt to prevent such tragedies.”