On Thursday’s addition of MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” polarizing political pundit Touré agreed with Breitbart News‘ take on Barbara Walters’ shallow, sexist, and embarrassing interview of potential presidential candidates Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton:  

That moment about the hair, and the fat question to Christie; embarrassing. Dereliction of duty. What are you talking about, Barbara? …

This is the kind of media hurdle that serious women have to go through. Here is an example of sexism inflicted on another woman by a woman…

Barbara goes on to say, “you would never ask a man that.” So, why are you asking her that? Do you even recognize the sexism that you’re activating and commenting on? No, you don’t.

They say even a broken clock is right twice a day. Touré doesn’t quite rise to that level of success, but he got this one right.