Al Gore may not have to worry about global warming destroying the earth after all. As it turns out, his massive hypocrisy may destroy the universe before global warming can fully kick in.

Gore, an ardent proponent of raising taxes, just sold Current TV, his highly unsuccessful TV network that lost hundreds of millions of dollars, to Al Jazeera – a fitting end for a network that features terrorist-friendly programming. Gore was in a rush to finish the deal, which netted him $100 million as owner of 20 percent of Current TV.

Why the rush? Because Gore and his partners wanted to avoid the higher tax rates that kicked in on January 1, 2013. That puts Gore in a category with Warren Buffett as a tax increase advocate who does his best to avoid taxes. Democrats love to raise taxes on everyone else. But when it comes time to ante up, they’re all too happy to skip the taxes rather than paying “their fair share.”