Piers Morgan must be terribly worried about his interview with Ben Shapiro. He seems to be in full damage control mode this week.

After the interview, in which Shapiro made a reasoned case for the 2nd amendment, Piers and producers at CNN were clearly stung and took to trash-talking Ben on Twitter. I don’t recall CNN attacking its guests in public like this on other occasions. It really must have struck a nerve.

But mud-slinging on Twitter wasn’t enough to overcome the shame of failure, so last night Piers made an appearance on Stephen Colbert’s show. If you’ve ever seen a Hollywood star make his first big appearance after a particularly embarrassing incident hits the press, you have an idea how this went. Piers Morgan is following the footsteps of Charlie Sheen after his Two and a Half Men blow-up.

Watch as Colbert gives Morgan a chance to re-present himself and his arguments to the public without all the interruptions from an intelligent voice of opposition.

The running gag in which Colbert offers Morgan a copy of the Constitution is clearly a reference to Ben Shapiro who did the same in his interview with Morgan. As with most of Colbert’s humor the real target isn’t the liberal he’s interviewing, it’s the conservative he’s mocking through impersonation.

If there’s any doubt left that Piers is fixated on this, he has invited Shapiro back on his show for a rematch tonight. Piers has promised Ben a fair one-on-one debate. I’ve seen his show enough to know that Morgan’s idea of fair seems derived from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, i.e. “Two men enter, one man leaves.”