For the President’s 2009 inauguration, one of the “it” parties was the one thrown by the Huffington Post. But this time around, HuffPo isn’t throwing a party at all. 

A quick run down of the celebrities that attended the party can be found here at Showbiz411.  At the 2009 blow out, party goers saw Robert DeNiro, Ben Affleck, Josh Groban, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Norman Lear, Rosie Perez, Gerald Butler, Marisa Tomei, John Cusack, Kerry Washington, Leigh Taylor-Young, and many more.

But this year? As Showbiz411 reports, “There is no such thing this time around” as a HuffPo inaugural party.

Why not? Perhaps the HuffPo team doesn’t feel quite as exultant as they did in 2009. It might also be because Huffington Post chief Arianna Huffington sold HuffPo to AOL a few years after the 2009 inaugural. So, instead of throwing another party to die for, Huffington Post is opting just to cover the parade and swearing in ceremony as, you know, “journalists,” instead of whooping it up as invested participants.