Michael D. Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Donald Trump, told Breitbart News that he “cannot confirm or deny that Mr. Trump is interested in acquiring the New York Times. Only time will tell.”

The story, first broken by Joe Hagan in New York magazine‘s online edition, has been the subject of intense interest in the publishing world for the past 24 hours. Left-wing sites such as the Huffington Post have poured scorn on the idea, saying it would be “very, very, very, very surprising” if the Sulzbergers sold it to him.

Cohen was less skeptical, telling Breitbart News: “I have watched Mr. Trump over the years navigate much tougher acquisitions. He is so smart and so rich that if he wants it, he’ll get it. And if Mr. Trump elects to pursue something, to commit time and resources to it, there’s nothing he can’t do.”