This New York Times headline would be a perfect spoof of a New York Times headline:

As Automatic Budget Cuts Go Into Effect, Poor May Be Hit Particularly Hard

The $85 billion in automatic cuts working their way through the federal budget spare many programs that aid the poorest and most vulnerable Americans, including the Children’s Health Insurance Program and food stamps.

The Times even found a way to turn Obama’s jobless recovery into a sequester issue:

Recovery in U.S. Is Lifting Profits, but Not Adding Jobs

With the Dow Jones industrial average flirting with a record high, the split between American workers and the companies that employ them is widening and could worsen in the next few months as federal budget cuts take hold.

Cutting the budget by 2% is now helping to create two Americas.

Nowhere in this report does the Times even float the idea that one of the reasons hiring might be slowing is that the White House can’t stop creating economic uncertainty through the non-stop demand for tax increases.

All through the campaign, Obama demanded tax increases, and that demand has been ongoing straight through to today and the sequester negotiations.

If employers can’t grab hold of what their liabilities to the federal government will be, how are they supposed to plan any kind of future?


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