On April 6, The Daily Beast lamented the fact that the NRA has won the day on the current gun control battle, but they claimed that the current victory will be short lived–“Wayne LaPierre may have won the week…but the laws of physics are such that he can’t do this forever.”

According to The Daily Beast: 

[LaPierre] may be on top now, and his hard line posture against any and all change may serve him well for the time being; but the revolution is coming, and once it arrives, we’ll beat the NRA, and he’ll be a figure not of power but of ridicule.

Ironically, even after admitting the NRA has won the day as far as the current push for gun control is concerned, The Daily Beast claimed the current battle over guns has “cost the NRA a lot.” But this claim is simply at odds with reality. 

In reality, the NRA has added as many as 8,000 new members a week since the heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary took place. The NRA PAC took in more than $1,000,000 in January alone, and an NRA advertising campaign in red states where Democrat senators are running for 2014 reelection has completely turned the gun control debate on its head.

According to The Daily Beast, the “decadent and dishonest” nature of the NRA was evident in the fact they didn’t say anything about the heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary until a week after it had happened. Lost in The Daily Beast’s smear is the fact that the NRA made it clear they didn’t want to talk about Sandy Hook immediately in an effort to keep from politicizing the shooting. It’s a shame Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Mark Warner (D-VA) didn’t follow the same rule.