On Sunday the Huffington Post ran a blaring headline at the top of its page blaming Israel, without context, for attacking Syria. The headline read: “ISRAEL STRIKES AGAIN.” A picture of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, clapping and smirking, ran under the headline. Nothing on the front page stated that Israel was striking Syria in order to stop weapons flow from Iran to Lebanon, the war-torn country.

That led the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group dedicated to defending “the safety of Jews worldwide,” to condemn the Huffington Post. Associate Dean Abraham Cooper told The Algemeiner:

President Obama underscored Israel’s right to strike inside Syria; a leader of Syria’s rebels went on Israel’s Channel 2 to thank Bibi and company for weakening Assad. Apparently all that’s not enough for today’s HuffPost editors. They even trotted out a picture of PM Netanyahu scowling while headline – Israel strikes again … Never mind. Bet you the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and millions of internally displaced are praying Israel strikes again and again.