Matthew Winkler, Editor-In-Chief of Bloomberg News, admitted Sunday that his reporters had accessed proprietary trading information and used the information in their reporting.

The admission was made in an article posted on the Bloomberg website titled “Holding Ourselves Accountable:”

We are defined by our words — and they applied to us when a Bloomberg LP customer expressed concern that Bloomberg News reporters had access to limited client information. Our client is right. Our reporters should not have access to any data considered proprietary. I am sorry they did. The error is inexcusable. Last month, we immediately changed our policy so that reporters now have no greater access to information than our customers have. Removing this access will have no effect on Bloomberg news-gathering.

The scandal involving Bloomberg reporters snooping and invading the privacy of traders on Wall Street for the financial news service broke last week and continues to gain traction, but over at Media Matters for America, there’s no mention of the story at all.  This from a “media watchdog” that spent years hammering News Corp for the isolated scandal in the United Kingdom involving cell phone hacking by a handful of reporters. 

Ironic that Media Matters for America has more interest in a media scandal that isn’t in America, yet has no interest in a scandal here in America. Could it be because the owner of Bloomberg is a liberal and the owner of News Corp. also happens to own Fox News?