On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot Ch. 125 from 7 p.m to 10 p.m EDT, Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, who hosts the show, will discuss Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s problems with crony capitalism, the battle over immigration in the House, and Obama’s foreign policy crisis in Egypt with Breitbart News reporters and newsmakers.

Breitbart News editor Mike Flynn and reporter Michael Patrick Leahy will be on the show to discuss rumors that McDonnell’s spokesman denied this weekend about McDonnell’s possible resignation over his failure to report a Rolex watch he received as a gift from a donor. McDonnell may have violated the state’s ethics laws in not reporting the gift and is being investigated for using taxpayer funds on personal expenses for himself and his family.

Shaun Kenney, one of the editors of the influential Virginia politics, Bearing Drift, will also be on the show to discuss the story his site posted that has stirred the controversy this weekend. Kenney has said the Bearing Drift contributor who wrote the story may no longer be a contributor if his story–about McDonnell’s potential resignation–is proven to be false. Kenney is a well-respected figure in Virginia politics and conservative circles. He–along with those like Norm Leahy at Bearing Drift–have worked to not only battle liberals but to keep Republicans in check from going against conservative principles or campaign promises. 

Jenny Beth Martin, of Tea Party Patriots, will be on the show to discuss how national and local Tea Party groups plan to oppose the amnesty legislation. She will discuss where Republican Senators–such as Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander and Florida’s Marco Rubio–who voted for the Senate bill stand. 

Daniel Horowitz from the Madison Project, a vital organization that keeps a scorecard of Republican legislators from Republican-leaning states, will be on the program to discuss Alexander’s chances of getting reelected.

Guests will also discuss the Wall Street Journal editorial that referred to Republicans who opposed the amnesty bill as “blood and soil” Republicans. Prominent conservatives–like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh–have said the immigration bill would devastate and gut the working class and is being financed by “big money” interests that just want an influx of cheap labor.

Flynn, along with Breitbart News investigative reporter Matthew Boyle will discuss where the immigration battle stands in the House as the House gets set to debate the issue next week and will talk about how Bush administration officials have always wanted to pass “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Breitbart’s Brandon Darby will also be on the show to discuss his reporting on how a porous Mexican border may be a “global pathway” for illegals from Asia and Africa to enter the United States. 

Breitbart’s Liz Sheld and Kerry Picket will be on the program to discuss how President Barack Obama’s foreign policy is in shambles in the Middle East, specifically in Egypt regarding the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Bannon hosts the weekly three-hour show on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 that helps set the narrative and news cycle for the following week.