Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will said the Obama Administration’s decision to waive Obamacare’s employer mandate for another year may have handed Republicans opposed to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill a silver bullet to defeat the legislation.

On Sunday, Will told ABC This Week host Cokie Roberts that the president’s decision to shrug off a key feature of the Obamacare law gives House Republicans opposed to the immigration bill passed by the Senate a clear example to say “no matter what we write in the law, this administration will waive any provision it doesn’t like.”

“Although the Constitution has no Article VIII, the administration acts as though there is one that reads: ‘Notwithstanding all that stuff in other articles about how laws are made, if a president finds a law politically inconvenient, he can simply post on the White House Web site a notice saying: Never mind,'” he claimed.

Will added: “Were the Senate bill to become law, the executive branch would be able to do pretty much as it pleases, even to the point of saying about almost anything: Never mind.”

Indeed, as John Fund notes, the Senate version of the immigration bill contains 222 uses of the word “may” and 153 mentions of “waive.” 

Photo source: ABC News