Left-wing The Nation blames “White Supremacy” as the motivating factor behind George Zimmerman’s acquittal:

A jury has found George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges in connection to death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. But while the verdict came as a surprise to some people, it makes perfect sense to others. This verdict is a crystal-clear illustration of the way white supremacy operates in America.

Throughout the trial, the media repeatedly referred to an “all-woman jury” in that Seminole County courtroom, adding that most of them were mothers. That is true–but so is that five of the six jurors were white, and that is profoundly significant for cases like this one. We also know that the lone juror of color was seen apparently wiping a tear during the prosecution’s rebuttal yesterday. But that tear didn’t ultimately convince her or the white people on that jury that Zimmerman was guilty of anything. Not guilty. Not after stalking, shooting and killing a black child, a child that the defense insultingly argued was “armed with concrete.”

The absurd claim further isolates left-wing journalists, not only from the mainstream thinking of Americans who followed the trial, but it also isolates them from the American judicial system itself. 

The article was widely ridiculed for the shameless race-baiting that it clearly was. Wall Street Journal‘s James Taranto took to Twitter and started a tsunami of sarcastic tweets directed towards The Nation