Rachel Maddow has had enough with Anthony Weiner. She opened Tuesday’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC with a rant against the oft-disgraced New York politician and rightly accused him of manipulating the press for his craven political purposes. What Maddow leaves out of her analysis is the fact that the media allowed themselves to be manipulated because, like Maddow herself, they are in political alignment with Weiner’s far-left agenda: 

Part of the way he lied the second round of times is that he’s doing this sort of redemption tour in the press where he’s talking about what a changed man he is, and how he’s totally focused on his family, and he’s all about making apologies, while he’s still continuing that behavior. So the press was really used by Anthony Weiner in order to convey the second round of lying.”

We’re not sure where Maddow’s been. Weiner has manipulated the press from the beginning of his sexting troubles. He allowed Andrew Breitbart to be seen as a criminal hacker who orchestrated the entire 2011 scandal. It wasn’t until Breitbart produced photographs that Weiner finally came clean. And on Maddow’s very own network in 2011, her colleagues Chris Hayes and Alex Wagner ran interference for Weiner by sliming Breitbart

Hayes:  “Am I wrong in my level of outrage that this person who has been so discredited, so many times, is such a serial manipulator of the media is allowed to just come on and spout off like this?”

Wagner: “Andrew Breitbart is not known to be the most self-reflective, remorseful person.”

Welcome to the party, Ms. Maddow. You might want to flesh out your analysis of the press’ compliant behavior in the Weiner story over the past two years and ask why the media was so quick to forgive and willing to be manipulated. 

Watch Maddow’s segment here: